Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Language Arts Unit: Superhero vs Villain
( Times are variable depending on how long each class is- currently our L.A. times are 60 minutes, and the local high school is 75 minutes)
Activity One
- Research a superhero- list the characteristics that make a superhero
- In your opinion who is the greatest superhero ever created?
Please post your results and respond to your classmates
Activity Two
- Research a villain- list the characteristics that make a villain
- Similar to Day One- who is the greatest villain of all time?
Please post your results and respond to your classmates
Activity Three
- Compare and contrast- Do all superheroes and villains discussed have weaknesses? If so, why do you think that they were created this way? Does the superhero need a villain? For example,
Who would Batman be without the Joker?
Activity Four
- Create your own superhero or super villain- what mad skills will your hero or villain possess?
Please visit the following websites to help you achieve your goals.
Activity Five
Research project- introduction- how do superheroes represent our culture? What influences in the real world are characterized in superheroes? Please choose a superhero and research when they were created? What events were occurring globally that may have influenced the creation of said superhero.
For example- Ironman was created during the Vietnam war- but was changed in the recent film version to have been created during the Gulf War.
Activity Six
Watch Raiders of the Lost Ark- when did the story take place- who is the protanganist? Antagonist? Does our superhero meet the standards discussed in our first activity? Do you think that the creation of Indiana Jones was affected by world events?
Activity Seven
Drama activity- using R.A.F.T.S - working in groups of two or three- conduct an interview where one of the group members will portray a superhero or villain, while the other offers insightful questions to the superhero or villain.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Good afternoon

Homework Hotline:

No homework assigned as it was Track and Field Day

Math Unit Test- Numeration- Thursday
Geography- economics restaurant assignment due Friday

To be Posted

Next L.A. unit